Word Cloud with Shiny Apps

Shiny Apps with R

Shiny is a package from RStudio that makes it incredibly easy to build interactive web applications with R. Allows you to build useful web applications with only a few lines of code—no JavaScript required.

Clicking in the next link, you will transfer to the Shinyapps.io for WordCloud, that enables you to create a WordCloud as easy as just typing or pasting text e.g. your favorite song, an article or a speech.

WordCloud Shiny Apps

Also give you the option to select the frequency and the number of words you want in your WordCloud.

Here some examples:

Donald Trump Victory Speach from November-2016

I Don't Wanna Live Forever

Let's play!
Source:Shiny by RStudio is a web application framework for R
Song from Play google
Speach from www.bgr.com
